Animate the Challenge! (proiect Erasmus + )


Training Course

13-22 November 2015 | ULCINJ, Montenegro
(deadline for application: 5 October 2015)
Training for future multipliers in Street Campaigning!!!
We invite all the interested people to read thoroughly the information included in this call. If you are not sure if this is the right training for you please contact us in advance so we can clarify any question!
Background of the project
Reaching groups of young people that are excluded, isolated, discriminated, building a tolerant and healthy divers community is always a hard, challenging and difficult task. Streets have a huge potential in terms of informing, making awareness, including and building a community therefore specific methods designed for street work are highly recommended in this field and specially in times when they are not so widely applied.
The main goal of the project is to raise the capacity of youth workers to contribute to a cohesive society though alternative youth friendly methods (street methods and techniques that could reach more and more young people);
More specific objectives are:
• To increase the knowledge level of young people and youth workers in topics like: active participation, discrimination, corruption, global interdependencies, social and global justice, social exclusion
• To create pro-active attitudes towards social exclusion and global issues;
• To encourage participation and involvement of young people in social processes;
• To develop sense of common responsibility for the future of their local communities from a global and social perspective;
• To develop practical skills in street animation and campaigning methods (street theatre, clowning, joggling, flash mobs, animation, etc.);
• To stimulate the participants to act as “change animators” in their own organization and regions;
• To introduce Erasmus+, as a great provider of inclusion and learning opportunities.
During the training course, participants will go to an in-depth process of exploring global and social topics and how to apply “think global, act local” motto in their own lives and organizations by acquiring new alternative methods for making awareness/information/inclusion. The participants will develop practical working competencies in working with the street campaigning methodology and they will be capable to transfer this learning in their communities.
The training structure
1) Research and deeper understanding–of various social issues relevant for the participants (social exclusion, active participation, discrimination, various global issues etc. – based on the needs of the group and the local context;
2) Methods – various techniques of street work and campaigning (developing practical skills in juggling, clowning, image theatre, street theatre, human library, games, etc.)
3) Developing, Planning, Implementing and Evaluating a Street Campaign- the group will go through all the important steps of creating a street campaign, which they will actually do in the training and implemented on the streets of the training location.
Target group and criteria
- Youth workers (no age limit but preferably over 18) that have responsibility in running projects/initiatives (paid or voluntary) in their organizations (because at the end of the TC they should develop a street campaigning project for their organization)
- Should have some basic relevant experience that entitles them to multiply easily a new methodology;
- Interest in various social and global issues towards which they wish to bring a change;
- All participants should have an English level of at least medium level (to be able to participate in discussion and in training activities);
- The participants should be resident of one of following countries:
Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Croatia, Romania, France, Spain, Italy, Estonia
Important notes
- Applications from people residents in other countries then the one mentioned before (regardless if they are nationals of the countries mentioned before will not be accepted) ;
- If you are experienced in street campaigning and you are not sure this training suits you, write to us!
More details at:

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